Be smart with your outbound reach. Send calls to the right people at the right time with the right information. Pick numbers starting from 730 and add a Truecaller Verified Business ID to boost your chances of call pickup. Optimize your lead lists and choose the most suitable dialing logic to maximise your reach.
Connect with your customers when they are ready to talk. Exotel’s automated dialing logic categorises contacts as their past behavior, detects the best time to call, and ensures agents are equipped with all the right details before getting on the call.
Auto-dialers integrated with Truecaller boost your call pick-up rate by 40-60%! With the added credibility of Verified Brand Identity, you get more out of each outgoing call
Pick 730 number series (powered by Exotel's data center) to add the credibility, feel and trust of a mobile number and drastically boost your call pick-up rates
Apply multiple filters and create groups of these filters for any lead list. Choose a dialing strategy that combines multiple contact filters like last retry time, number of attempts, customer type, and dials out prospects accordingly.
Predictive Dialers are the perfect fit for businesses that dial vast amounts of calls regularly. Its special predictive algorithm maximizes agents’ productivity by reducing idle time between calls. Also, it automatically detects busy signals, answering machines, and unanswered calls and forwards them to the available agents once the call is connected at the customer end.
Make sure your agents have all the necessary info before jumping into a call with a customer. Preview dialer is an asset to ensure that high-quality leads don't fall through the cracks. It gives agents an inside look at who’s next on the call list and helps them prepare beforehand to deliver a personalized customer experience.
Progressive dialer is a perfect choice if your call center operates on low-volume and high-value lead lists. It dials only when an agent is available so that you don’t waste time creating silent calls.
PACE is more than your typical auto dialer! It's an intelligent tool that helps call centers reach customers at the right time. By segmenting leads based on their past behavior, PACE ensures you get maximum productivity from every outreach effort – meaning better connect rates and greater success for your business.